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Wir nutzen täglich nur einen Bruchteil unserer geistigen und psychischen Ressourcen. Und das ist leider auch dann der Fall, wenn Männer attraktive Frauen ansprechen möchten. Das eBook „How to talk to the woman of your dreams“. beschreibt eine wirkungsvolle Methode, mit der Männer Frauen erfolgreich ansprechen können – und zwar völlig frei von Hemmungen.

Das Ansprechen von Traumfrauen wird damit so einfach wie das tägliche Brötchen kaufen beim Bäcker. Da verliert selbst der schüchternste Mann seine Ängste und erhält zahlreiche Kontakte zu Frauen seiner Wahl. Die Methode knackt das Hauptproblem vieler Männer: Die Angst davor eine schöne Frau anzusprechen. Das Buch unterscheidet sich damit von den zahlreichen Flirt-Ratgebern, die lediglich plumpe Anmachsprüche oder billige Flirttipps verbreiten, die es überall zu lesen gibt.

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First of all I would like to congratulate you on the purchase of this eBook. You are about to make changes to your life as a single or as such, to your (love-) life. The fact that you have bought this eBook shows that you are not satisfied with the way things are, but want to find a successful way to make a change.

You are fed up with seeing the numerous beautiful and interesting dream women go by without being able to make contact with them. You are fed up with sitting at home and waiting for the time when your dream woman will knock on your door to speak with you. With the purchase of this eBook you have made the first step in making exciting contact with women of your choice. Believe me, if you follow the instructions in this book, in a short time, your life will change completely.

This eBook is not a typical macho flirting-tips handbook full of worn-out one-liners. The following pages will primarily teach you effective methods with which you can overcome your inhibitions and approach attractive women. Because, most men do not fail because of a lack of things to say but because they just don’t have the confidence in the first place to speak to attractive women. With this in mind you will find general tips and directions for a first contact in the last chapter of this book. Here you will learn how to prepare yourself optimally for your first contact with your dream woman.